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Heal Through Nutrition

Your diet is the only source of nutrients for your body to use to function properly and be strong.  So as the saying goes...You Are What You Eat! ... is so true.  You are only as strong as the food you put in your mouth. 

Eating Apple

You are only as healthy as the food you put in your mouth.   Its the only source of all your nutrients to make your body strong!

And Its Simple!

Lets Break It Down

Single Ingredient Whole Foods 

Jump In or Wade In

Best, Better, Ok, Never Ok

Great Rules to Live By

Why Is Organic Best?


Dietary Lifestyle : Responsibility & Living Life

Single Ingredient Whole Foods

What are Single Ingredient Whole Foods? 

 Single Ingredient Whole Foods are foods that don't have an ingredient label. They are foods you would find in nature just as Gods created them.

A banana is a banana.  A watermelon is a watermelon. Kale is kale. Celery is Celery. Eggs are eggs. Just as you would find it in nature. 

Ask yourself just 1 Question!

Did God create this food or did man/factory touch it or alter it?

(This question directly correlates with the answers.)

God’s food = brings life, health, and healing

Man/Factory imitation food = causes inflammation and disease

Because you don't walk outside in nature and pick your food straight from the land, you have to think about who is growing your food and how they are growing it. Organic is always best! Organic means that it was not grown with harsh chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides.  But more on that later. Just switching to a single ingredient whole food lifestyle will make a huge difference in your health.



Asparagus , Bamboo Shoots, Bean Sprouts, Beet Greens, Bok Choy Greens, Broccoli, Cabbages, Cauliflower, Celery, Chard, Chicory, Collard Greens, Cucumber, Endive, Escarole, Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuces, Mustard Greens, Parsley, Radishes, Raw Organic Cob Corn, Salad Greens, Sauerkraut, Spinach, String Beans, Summer Squash, Turnip Greens, Watercress, Yellow Squash, Zucchini Squash, Mushrooms, Bok Choy Stems, Chives, Green Beans, Green Onion, Okra, Pimento, Rhubarb, Water Chestnuts, Acorn Squash, Artichokes, Avocado, Brussels Sprouts, Jicama, Leeks, Turnips, Olives, Pickles, Sweet Potatoes, Yams, Beets, Butternut Squash, Carrots, Pumpkin, Rutabagas, Winter Squashes, Celeriac, Chickpeas, Cooked Organic Corn, Horseradish, Jerusalem Artichoke, Kidney Beans, Lima Beans, Lentils, Parsnips, Peas, Seeds, sprouted,Onion, Garlic, Nightshades: Eggplant, Tomatoes, Bell Pepper, Potatoes, Peppers



Wow the possibilities are endless! I bet their are vegetables you have never even tasted before.

Blueberries on the vine


Apples, pears, oranges, pineapple, watermelon, kiwi, grapes, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries, lemon, lime, grapefruit, papaya, peaches, plums, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, strawberries, bananas, mango, apricot, dates, coconut, nectarine, tamarind, kumquat, tangerine, elderberry, currant, and the list goes on!

Gourmet Olive Oil

Healthy Fats


Butter, raw

Animal Fat from organic animals

Avocado Oil

Coconut Oil

Grapeseed Oil

Sesame Seed Oil

Flaxseed Oil

Olive Oil

Dressing -  2:1 Oil to Acid (Vinegar/Citrus) + Salt & Seasonings


Animal Protein

Healthy Animal Protein:

Pasture Raised Poultry – Chicken, Turkey, Quail

Grass-fed Cow, Bison, Deer, Lamb, Rabbit

Pasture Raised Eggs

Very Cleanly Sourced Natural Pork


Fish (Wild Caught Never Farm Raised)

Natural Can Tuna/Salmon/Sardines

All Natural Organic Jerky


HOW MUCH PROTEIN SHOULD YOU EAT? – divide your ideal body weight (IBW) by 15 to get the number of ounces of protein to be consumed per day 

Herbs and Spices

Herbs & Spices


Celtic/Himalayan sea salt

Organic Herbs


Homemade Broth

Herbal Organic Teas

Reverse-osmosis, filtered or spring Water

Smoothies using whole foods

Strawberry Milkshake


Girl standing on a springboard, preparin

Dive In or Wade In

Everyone is different.  Everyone has different personalities, lifestyles, responsibilities.  You can dive in all at once or choose to make small choices that inch you in the right direction.  Either way health is a journey. The most important thing is "That when you know better; You do better".  Some people either have a Type A personality or their health is at such a low point they have no choice but to dive straight in.  However I have seen wonderful results with patients making small changes one at a time.  As you run out of one product or food, next grocery visit upgrade to a better option. Its just that easy.  If you are a patient of Olena we will help guide you and let you know what we feel like is the most important changes necessary for maximum improvement. Besides dietary changes here are a few other areas of life you can upgrade for health benefits.

Personal Care Products

Water Quality & Amount

Laundry Care Products (often most needed)

Candles, Perfumes, Air Fresheners 

Household Cleaners

Pest Control and House Maintenance Products

Air Quality 

Exercise: Movement & Stretching

Click here for more on a Chemical Free Healthified Life.

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                                  Never OK

Degrees of Healthy Eating

Meat, Veggies, Healthy Fat, & Limited Fruit is BEST & Optimal. 

The following subcategories listed below should be limited unless you know you can tolerate the BEST versions of these categories.

BEST: For Optimal Heath

Better: For an Occasional Treat

OK: For Ease of Life & Travel

NOT OK: Should Never Be Eaten



½ cup of soaked and cooked quinoa or organic rice per day


Soaked Organic grains (oats, wheat, spelt, corn, etc)

Homemade breads, muffins, grits, oatmeal, etc made with organic grains

Ezekiel Bread


Organic Bread (Dave’s Killer Bread) or other organic breads with healthy fat and not containing folic acid



Commercial enriched wheat (muffins, cakes, cookies, bread)

Gluten Free


Avoid all grains if possible.


Gluten Free items with a very small whole food ingredient list.

Bread : Homemade – see website (best) Canyon House or Sami’s Bakery (better)

Noodles : Zucchini noodles (best), Mung Bean/Thread noodles, or Tinkyada Brown Rice Noodles (better)



Gluten free processed bars and products with a long list of ingredients and additives.

Gluten Free labeled items can be just mere allergen free junk food.




Kefir, raw organic (liquid yogurt)

Milk, raw organic

Cheese, raw organic

Raw Organic Full Fat Dairy Products (plain yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc.)



Organic Whole Milk, Cheese

Organic Whole Milk Plain Yogurt (Stoneyfield or Organic Valley) *You can add honey & vanilla

Organic Whole Milk/Full Fat Dairy Products (sour cream, cottage cheese, etc.)

Organic Full Fat Cheese



Full fat cheeses from better companies like Cabot or artisian cheeses



Commercial Dairy of any form


Pre-shredded cheese




Soaked & Dehydrated Organic Raw Nuts


Organic Raw Nuts, Organic Nut Butters


Nuts and Nut Butters

(make sure nut butters contain palm oil-that is ok- but make sure it doesn't contain other unhealthy fats and also doesn't contain high fructose corn syrup)

Peanuts really should be organic.

Vegan food and dishes. Pumpkin soup, sal


Is    Organic


Eliminates chemical exposures: 

Have you ever heard of crop desiccation. Pre-harvest crop desiccation is the application of a chemical 

 to a crop prior to harvest to kill the plant so the crop dries more quickly and evenly.  This process is used on grain crops such as wheat, corn, rice, barley and oats.  This is one of the reasons why it is crucial to eat only organic grains.

Common chemicals used on commercial crops:

Herbicides (to kill weeds)

Insecticides (to kill bugs)

Fungicides (for disease)

Soil fumigants, desiccants, harvest aids and plant growth regulators

Better For The Environment:

Reduces pollution

Reduces soil erosion

Increases soil fertility

Reduces chemical exposure to wildlife (birds, bees, and animals)


Eliminates GMOs (crops engineered to be able withstand harmful chemicals such as Roundup 

Organic foods contain more nutrients - vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and micro-nutrients than commercially grown foods because the soil is managed and nourished with sustainable practices


Organic food tastes better.

Eliminates other exposures

Eat organic to avoid hormones, antibiotics and drugs in animal products such as animal meat and dairy. 

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