Soy Allergy
Soy Allergy
The following ingredients found on a label indicate the presence of soy. The FDA does not require a soy allergy label for some soy ingredients such as soybean oil or hidden soy often found in ingredients such as natural flavorings. Therefore all labels should be read carefully before consuming a product.
Contain Soy:
Edamame (soybeans in pods)
Hydrolyzed soy protein
Kinnoko flour
Kyodofu (freeze dried tofu)
Okara (soy pulp)
Shoyu sauce
Soy albumin
Soy bran
Soy concentrate
Soy fiber
Soy flour
Soy formula
Soy grits
Soy milk
Soy miso
Soy nuts
Soy nut butter
Soy protein, soy protein concentrate, soy protein isolate
Soy sprouts
Soy sauce
Soya Flour
Soybean granules
Soybean curd
Soybean flour
Soy lecithin*
Soybean paste
Teriyaki sauce
Textured soy flour (TSF)
Textured soy protein (TSP)
Textured vegetable protein (TVP)
Yuba (bean curd)
Soy bean oil
Vegetable oil derived from soy
Foods That May Contain Soy:
Artificial flavoring
Vegetable broth
Asian foods (e.g. Japanese, Chinese, Thai, etc.)
Vegetable gum
Hydrolyzed plant protein
Vegetable starch
Hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP)
Natural Flavorings
Foods with soy:
All Chocolate contains soy lethicin
Enjoy Life is a allergy free chocolate option.
Cooking with cocoa powder is also a safe option. Brownies and chocolate cake are not out! Make them from scratch with cocoa powder!
You can buy soy free mayo at the health food store of make your own. Its very easy!
Publix does carry some oil free breads. You can also make your own with olive oil instead of vegetable oil.
Salad Dressings:
Good luck finding a salad dressing even at the health food store without soy.
Anything Processed:
Most processed foods contain soy. Cake mixes, brownie mixes, seasoning packets, crackers, etc.
Look under our Recipe page to find homemade, from scratch, delicious alternatives, to some of these common foods!